Reopening of the site is scheduled for Thursday, Mai the 29th, 2025

(Attention: this date is likely to be delayed, according to the importance of the damage discovered after the winter and the surplus of preparation and safety work induced.

The opening date indicated can be considered as firm and final only one week before its expiry).

Please note that it is completely forbidden to enter the site when it is closed!


Indeed :

- every autumn and every spring, our maintenance team carry out the work necessary to preserve the site and SYSTEMATICALLY several operations to secure the cliffs and thus cause numerous rock falls.


- during winter the trail is made extremely dangerous by the numerous freeze-thaw phases that generates almost daily avalanches of snow and ice or even falling rocks or trees.

Curiosity of Chamonix’s valley, the suspended path of the Gorges de la Diosaz offers, in a wild and natural environment, a spectacular and unusual show. This equipped footpath is an “has to be seen in the Mont- Blanc county” and is considered amongst most beautiful one’s in France ! 

A refreshing walk during warm weather and a wild one during rainy days


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